Tis' The Season for Lefsa Day
Candlelight a lovely sight
On my table and placed just right
Even in the bright day's light
Another year soon out of sight
Who can say where the time goes
Passing rapidly as a river flows
Time to stop & smell the rose
Breathe in deeply & think clearly
Of all the friends whom we hold so dearly
Day dream of thoughts serene
Dream on and realize your dream
Feel great ~ Meditate ~ Visualize
Close your eyes
Branches dripping in crystalline dew drops
Sweet pom' martinis for you and me
Day dream thoughts bring on such glee
Time alone ~ I feel so free to be just me
A new year is upon us again, my friend
It has a been hectic holiday season
So surely so and with good reason
Four days worth of festivities & fun
For each of us ~ for everyone
Snowflakes take the place of sun
Young wee ones that I adore ~
March in circles upon the floor
Folk tunes, fun & food galore
It was our ‘Hammer Lefsa Day’ once more!
Stop to gaze upon the stars
Venus, Jupiter & Mars
The falling stars & angels I see in the clouds
Often I've wondered are they a sign
Fill my heart & make me proud
They’re messages sent here from up above
To us ~ with someone’s Spirit & Love
We cannot always see them
Yet they’re always around
They are Angels & our Spirit Guides
All the while mine were right by my side
They’ve taken me on a wonderful ride
Life is only traveled once
Today’s moments are tomorrow’s memories alas'
Children grow so quick so very fast
Remember Christmas of the past?
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