'Daren Style' ~ A Birthday Poem for my Grandson

A Poem for Daren ~ Happy 19th Birthday!

‘Smile all the while ~ Daren Style’

Since you entered our world we have been greatly blessed
Certainly so Dare, I will truly profess
My firstborn grandson, you're adored by everyone
Dark wavy hair and coal black eyes, with the fairest of skin
I consider you 'my Persian Prince'
Ever since, and I always will with love immense

Fast Forward ~ 3 yrs
You set our minds a whirl when you were just three
 With a golf club in hand you stood at the tee
You hit eleven of twelve balls!
What a surprise… I could hardly believe my very own eyes
Amazing ~ my grandson a three year old golfer
It’s recorded somewhere on video tape
You were such a wee form ~ just past toddler shape
Wearing  your white satin wedding tux ~ you did so great

Fast Forward ~ 8 yrs
Soon you were eight and the older brother of Zack
We were not fooling when we called him 'Zack Attack'
I must confess…
Zack at age three put us all to the test
You learned to keep calm and love your brother
Zack truly is one unlike any other!
You are brothers bound for life 
A closer friend you’ll never have
Being a big brother is even better than being a Super Hero

Fast  Forward ~ 13
You’re a teenager now with your own special dream
August 22nd ’07
“Happy Birthday Dare Dare!” 
 Now you're thirteen ~  just what is your dream?
You are still my Persian Prince
  Dare ever since you came to earth
You’ve been so good and shown your worth
Your sole is sweet and patient and kind
Life flies quickly by us as days unwind
Mountains & life’ hurdles you have yet to climb
Responsibilities and chores became your brothers’ and yours
You face life head on You’re so very sure and strong
We have observed your quiet reserve
You will achieve all in life that you deserve

Fast Forward ~ 19
It’s not a dream ~ now you're nineteen!
How Extreme!
Grown up ~ Ka Pow!
But we will not cry
 Just sigh a big sigh ~ my my how time flies
We’ll shed no tears
As we look back on those years
 Daren your sole is so very sweet
Precious time with you has been a heartfelt treat
Childhood years are now complete
You’re a fine young man Dare ~ and you know how we all care
We’re so very proud of all you do 
I love your stoic attitude
You have hopes & goals & have set your ‘Life Plan’ 
We understand
Your dream is big ~ to be a Marine with high aspirations
You’ve planned a future, fusing childhood toward adult ambitions
A Red, Blue & White ~ military mission!
I’m enthralled
We celebrated with you at your spring graduation
With loads of pride & pure admiration
Relaxation for you now and a summer vacation!
Nurture your goals & dreams and your high aspirations
 As you look ahead to your future
Stay as you are ~ smile in style and be safe
We’ll all run the mile for you Daren

Happy Birthday with Love,
 Grandma Di’

By, Di’ La Chapelle


Ode'n Brief

 ~  To Dare  ~

His friends are true
 Wouldn’t you
Just want to meet Dare
On the street
Stand & Shake his hand
And see his smile
Of course you do
 While you smile ~ all the while ~ Daren Style

Di’ La Chapelle


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