
Showing posts from 2016



My daughter with grandchildren and Kota as they're packing for Breezy Point.

Persian Salad Olivieh

     This salad was invented by a French Chef, M. Olivier. He served it in Moscow around 1860. Variations, sometimes called “Salade Olivier” or “Russian Salad” abound worldwide.    Persians love to make this salad with plenty of mayo & they also spread the top of the salad with mayo & veggies ~ & even fresh flowers for adornment.   Salad olivieh  on slices of french baguettes can be addicting. This  Salad Olivieh  is slightly different than the traditional one. While all the ingredients are the same, this recipe cuts down the prep time considerably. Ingredients: 3 medium large potatoes, cooked 3 eggs, hard boiled 2 cups shredded chicken 2 cups frozen peas and carrots (optional) 19 oz can of Persian pickles / or Dill pickels of your choice Dressing 2 cups mayonnaise 1/4 cup lime or lemon juice 2 tsp mustard (optional) 1/8 cup olive oil salt...

Spaghetti Confetti Argh’Gratin ~

Spaghetti Confetti Argh’Gratin ~ ~~ Talk Like A Pirate “Argh!” From my Wordpress Blog                                                                    ARGH!                       It’s a pirate’s life for me, ahoy ~ Spaghetti Confetti Aurgh'Gratin ~ Yummm I  am a Pirate ~ oh ya’ well I am ~ ma’ mon!  Ahoy Mon’… all my hungry Mates & Mateys!   Let’s chow down now... I'll show ya how! Gr ub a dub a dub ~ I’m a lovin’ dat grub!   Argh!   Aye   Aye Mon ~   Well ya see for me, I always talk like a pirate!   ~  So go be good shipmates & matyes  &  help yer ma cook up ‘dat yummy on the tummy spaghetti c onfetti mac’n cheese.  ~Yumm!  T he...