ME ME ME ~ The Narcissist Story & Video
It's all about "ME ME ME ME ME" This is entirely accurate ~ it's eerily unerringly spot on! There are many types of Narcissists: Collective Egomania Malignant Megalomania Narcissistic personality disorder History of narcissism 'Narcissists Are the Land Mines of Life' Learn to identity them and avoid narcissists at ALL cost. Know your boundaries! Beware of becoming part of their narcissistic supply. A narcissist is charming as long as they get what they want… which is undivided attention, whether positive or negative. If they do not get special treatment, they'll start screaming like a little kid. If you don't agree with a 'N' you basically don't exist. Recognize them for what they are. D on't react ~ stay consistent with your non-reactions because they will try to continue to try to get a rise out of you. Walk away from it and remain indifferent, giving them no attention. Pos...