‘SEASONS' ~ A Thoughts of the Spirit Poem
Penserio Del Spirito Poesia It’s Italiano for ~ ‘Thoughts of the Spirit Poetry 'Seasons' Autumn leaves start falling as cold north winds come calling Trust ~ it is Mother Nature’s song to us What a glorious sound and sight Green turns to orange and bronze so bright Yellow gold and red are swiftly blown & put to bed Reflections of summer are soon put to rest So never the less we shall do our best To prepare for a colder and blustery season We’ll bundle up warm just to keep from freezin’ Mother Nature often throws her curve ball Do we think it’s very fair at all Blue Moon ~ Oh bright Harvest Moon Falling leaves have come too soon Goodness sake I’ll need a rake Wild whooshing winds furl up frivolous falling leaf tunes Behold the bright red orange Harvest Moon Sometimes snowflakes appear in early Fall Truly it's not fair at all Tiny flakes of Nature's trickery will fool us once again Some of us accept this and face it w...