'Daren Style' ~ A Birthday Poem for my Grandson
A Poem for Daren ~ Happy 19th Birthday! ‘Smile all the while ~ Daren Style’ Since you entered our world we have been greatly blessed Certainly so Dare, I will truly profess My firstborn grandson, you're adored by everyone Dark wavy hair and coal black eyes, with the fairest of skin I consider you 'my Persian Prince' Ever since, and I always will with love immense Fast Forward ~ 3 yrs You set our minds a whirl when you were just three With a golf club in hand you stood at the tee You hit eleven of twelve balls! What a surprise… I could hardly believe my very own eyes Amazing ~ my grandson a three year old golfer It’s recorded somewhere on video tape You were such a wee form ~ just past toddler shape Wearing your white satin wedding tux ~ you did so great Fast Forward ~ 8 yrs Soon you were eight and the older brother of Zack We were not fooling when we called him 'Zack Attack' I must c...