
Showing posts from February, 2014

Zac Brown Memorial

  'Zac Brown' As many of you already know, my beloved, talented, athletic, handsome, personality plus horse, Zac Brown, was put down today due to a severe athletic injury. He had sustained a severe injury (tear or lesion) to his DDFT (deep digital flexor tendon) in his RF foot last summer. I believe it happened while running Cross Country at a competition last July. I have had the best ultrasound doctors in the country look at his images, along with the wonderful doctors I work for at my clinic, and everyone said this is a very bad injury, severe. I was told last fall that these lesions/tears almost never heal. I was told he will never be sound. We wanted to give him a chance. He has been on stall rest for the past 6 months, with 45 minutes of hand walking daily. Recently, when he was not improving at all and clinically getting a bit worse, we decided to re-ultrasound his leg. We found the tear/lesion was worse, it was larger, traveling fur...