Tommy's Nail Salon ~ Manicure Stories
'Just Love'
Manicures & Pedicures
'Tommy's Friendly Crew'
The staff at Studio Six is grand
The staff at Studio Six is grand
Salute & “Thanks” ~ I’ll give them a hand
They’re surly a friendly & competent crew
I just want to tell ~ you & you & you
Imagine having your nails professionally done
No nix in the mix ~ just lots of fun
‘Tis my quest to suggest and tell everyone
You’ll get a fine treat ~
When you walk in from the street
When you walk in from the street
Relax to the max ~ want an eyebrow wax?
My Dear while you’re here
Do get a pedicure
Do get a pedicure
What a great team ~ with Tommy at the lead
They cheerfully use their Studio Six Creed
They cheerfully use their Studio Six Creed
Respect & Succeed
The place is fab’ & I’ll confess
There, I relax to the max ~ with no distress
Have you ever been rushed at a nail salon?
Have you ever been rushed at a nail salon?
We all know we have now, come on it’s wrong
Quality and service overcome speed
‘Tis their own S’ S’ Creed
Glitter ‘n Glimmer ~ Glisten ‘n Gleam
Walk in as you are & walk out like a star
You’ll become more beautiful than you already are
The friendly family-like crew at Studio Six is superb
Yes, you may truly take my word
Studio Six is my sweet pleasure ~ yes a hidden treasure
Again, I’ll give them a hand ~
They’re grand
By, Di’ La Chapelle
Copyright, April 2012
I broke a nail and need it fixed
Think I’ll go to Studio Six
Tommy’s my guy
Oh My ~ Oh My
Hurry Gal ~ Hurry
Let’s head on over to Woodbury
Sit right here & don’t you worry
Relax to the Max
Eye brow wax?
Here’s all the facts
Yes, My Dear
They will take walk-ins
Now you’re talkin’
That’s at Studio Six
Where you can have your nails fixed
I’ll give them a call ~ From the mall
We’ll walk in with a grin and walk out with a smile
In just a brief while ~ A new nail style!
Now, all the while ~ I will smile!
Di’ La Chapelle
Di’ La Chapelle
Copyright 2010
Loving yourself is the key that unlocks many doors.
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