Christmas Letter ~ 2015


Hello dear friends and relatives,

Best wishes to you and yours! Here's a holiday letter to sum up my family's news. I hope this season finds you healthy and happy.

Drake & Melinda became landlords of a property in St. Paul near Summit Avenue, as they continue to update their beautiful home in Bloomington. They have two cats Marley and Manny, whom I love to sit with when they are away on trips. The huge and fantastic news is that they are expecting a baby Morvari in June ~ a girl! We are all so very happy and excited.

Tiffany did it ~ she graduated with honors and received a master’s degree in Psychology last spring. She wound up her career in the cosmetology industry where she was employed as a stylist, teacher and director with a couple schools in St. Paul. Upon graduation, she started her dream job as a therapist and loves it. She has already advanced in the company. We're so proud of her for all she has acomplished and her two sons are doing great!

Daren has been employed at Jake’s City Grille in Maplewood for a couple years and is their gourmet pizza chef. He also began culinary school at St. Paul College in early summer, keeping a very fast paced schedule. He is a huge Wild fan and attends as many games as he can and the last game was with his grandpa, David Morvari. He also plays hockey ~ GO DAREN!

Zack' turned 16 last October and oh my, he's grown into a fine young man we can be proud of! He's in his second year of ROTC and is a sophomore at North High School. He plans to join the military upon graduation... then pursue a career in criminal justice.

Just a note of interest: That's John in the black shirt and Drake in a white shirt ~ friends since 5th grade, they are sometimes mistaken for one another. John has a daughter Alex, pictured with him. Time sure flies as this photo was taken three years ago. Tiffany and John have been together for ten years now. This is 'my tribe' as I like to call them.

Cyrus ~ Last July Cyrus was brought home ~ Tiffany's bundle of joy! This Rottweiler puppy is loved and cherished by all in our tribe. He's been in puppy and obedience training since July, with another 1 1/2 years to go! Yes, that's not a typo. He is beautiful, smart and is growing so very rapidly ~ from 7 pounds to 70 pounds in just five months!

I am currently living with Tiffany and her boys, then planning a transition to a condo. What a blessing it has been to be here at this time in my two grandson's and granddog Cyrus' lives. Proir, I spent several months with my sister Marsha helping her with transitions last year. My former landlord got married, and that's when I needed to leave the Wheeler household. Tim has has a goddaughter, Natasha Wheeler and she and I have become very close and wonderful friends. 

Life takes some twists and turns and I appreciate all my twists and turns!  It's an attitude of gratitude that I employ. Most of you know me well but I’ll recap here, my hobbies are many so here's a few ~ painting, designing, cooking, writing, seeking out live music & fine dining and socializing! I cat and dog sit too! Here's a link to my poetry site:

My motto: Just in case another's life through you ~ might possibly change for the better ~ with a broader and brighter view ~ it seems it might be worth a try at pointing the way to what's right. Of course it might not matter at all ~ but ten again it just might!



Merry Christmas!

Diane La Chapelle


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