‘SEASONS' ~ A Thoughts of the Spirit Poem
Penserio Del Spirito Poesia
It’s Italiano for ~
‘Thoughts of the Spirit Poetry

leaves start falling as cold north winds come calling
Trust ~ it is Mother Nature’s song to us
What a glorious sound and sight
Green turns to orange and bronze so bright
Yellow gold and red are swiftly blown & put to bed
Reflections of summer are soon put to rest
So never the less we shall do our best
To prepare for a colder and blustery season
We’ll bundle up warm just to keep from freezin’
Mother Nature often throws her curve ball
Do we think it’s very fair at all
Blue Moon ~ Oh bright Harvest Moon
Falling leaves have come too soon
Goodness sake I’ll need a rake
Wild whooshing winds furl up frivolous falling leaf tunes
Behold the bright red orange Harvest Moon
Sometimes snowflakes appear in early Fall
Truly it's not fair at all
Tiny flakes of Nature's trickery will fool us once again
Some of us accept this and face it with a grin
Our Indian Summers can be quite grand
We can walk in the woods along crisp paths to stand ~
In a wondrous musky wooded fantasy land
Seasons sing to us you know
Colder temps’ set our blood a flow
Our faces shine with a healthy glow
There’s been some trickery here this year
We thought for a day that winter’s here and way too near
Mother Nature’s not been too very clear
The wings of Autumn have come and gone
As Nature sang her eternal song
Glistening frost melts to dew in the morn
Children run through rows of corn
And a bountiful harvest is reaped once more
There's fun in store as holidays bring us other chores
Seasons come & Seasons go
So soon comes frost and then the snow
Song of the Seasons ~ it’s a wondrous thought
See what Mother Nature has brought
Summer slipped away so soon
Glow on bright golden Harvest Moon
Beautiful vivid vast balloon is now our autumn delight
Cherish the sight into the night
Blazing forests of red bronze and brown
Whether we're in woods or even all about town
Swiftly the leaves blow circles up and around
Crisply & swirly straight down to the ground
North winds whistle our wild Winter's call
So say your good byes to fabulous Fall
Soon snow covers up the crisp colored leaves
Bye bye Autumn's aromatic breeze
Trust ~ it is Mother Nature’s song to us
What a glorious sound and sight
Green turns to orange and bronze so bright
Yellow gold and red are swiftly blown & put to bed
Reflections of summer are soon put to rest
So never the less we shall do our best
To prepare for a colder and blustery season
We’ll bundle up warm just to keep from freezin’
Mother Nature often throws her curve ball
Do we think it’s very fair at all
Blue Moon ~ Oh bright Harvest Moon
Falling leaves have come too soon
Goodness sake I’ll need a rake
Wild whooshing winds furl up frivolous falling leaf tunes
Behold the bright red orange Harvest Moon
Sometimes snowflakes appear in early Fall
Truly it's not fair at all
Tiny flakes of Nature's trickery will fool us once again
Some of us accept this and face it with a grin
Our Indian Summers can be quite grand
We can walk in the woods along crisp paths to stand ~
In a wondrous musky wooded fantasy land
Seasons sing to us you know
Colder temps’ set our blood a flow
Our faces shine with a healthy glow
There’s been some trickery here this year
We thought for a day that winter’s here and way too near
Mother Nature’s not been too very clear
The wings of Autumn have come and gone
As Nature sang her eternal song
Glistening frost melts to dew in the morn
Children run through rows of corn
And a bountiful harvest is reaped once more
There's fun in store as holidays bring us other chores
Seasons come & Seasons go
So soon comes frost and then the snow
Song of the Seasons ~ it’s a wondrous thought
See what Mother Nature has brought
Summer slipped away so soon
Glow on bright golden Harvest Moon
Beautiful vivid vast balloon is now our autumn delight
Cherish the sight into the night
Blazing forests of red bronze and brown
Whether we're in woods or even all about town
Swiftly the leaves blow circles up and around
Crisply & swirly straight down to the ground
North winds whistle our wild Winter's call
So say your good byes to fabulous Fall
Soon snow covers up the crisp colored leaves
Bye bye Autumn's aromatic breeze
A mirror of
the season’s gleam and so long to summers glorious green
Golden pond
reflections show ~ Alas Winter covers it with snow
Cherish Autumn's beauty keeping it in your memory
Soon welcome snow and a white Winter Wonderland
Seasons come and Seasons go
Soon welcome snow and a white Winter Wonderland
Seasons come and Seasons go
It’s always
been that way you know
Di' La Chapelle

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