ME ME ME ~ The Narcissist Story & Video
It's all about "ME ME ME ME ME"
This is entirely accurate ~ it's eerily unerringly spot on!
There are many types of Narcissists:
'Narcissists Are the Land Mines of Life'
Learn to identity them and avoid narcissists at ALL cost. Know your boundaries! Beware of becoming part of their narcissistic supply. A narcissist is charming as long as they get what they want… which is undivided attention, whether positive or negative. If they do not get special treatment, they'll start screaming like a little kid. If you don't agree with a 'N' you basically don't exist. Recognize them for what they are. Don't react ~ stay consistent with your non-reactions because they will try to continue to try to get a rise out of you. Walk away from it and remain indifferent, giving them no attention. Positive and negative attention is what they thrive on. Get grounded ~ do not let a narcissist drain you of energy.... now you've established your healthy boundaries. The narcissist doesn't and can't see you as you are. As a result ALL interaction with him/her is stressful and toxic, because he will scotch a degenerate vision of you on you (his own psychic, unconscious garbage). There's no point in talking back, in reprisals, because ANY type of relationship with a narc is TOXIC because it involves entering INSANE territory, where YOU are seen as someone very different to who you are. You are in fact being used as a projection screen for the narc's own.
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