Skintone Does Affect Aging & there is help.

oysterpearlseaplantstbvc4-1.gif picture by charelledream

Medium Skin Tone

Dark Skin Tone

Fair Skin Tone


oysterpearlseaplantstbvc4-1.gif picture by charelledream

The color of your skin does contribute to how your skin reacts to the environment and how quickly it ages. Typically, the darker your complexion, the better able your skin is to resist environmental assaults and the more slowly it ages.  However, all skin types are affected by the sunrays in a negative way to various degrees.  Not everyone ages at the same rate.  YES... skintone does affect aging & here is help.

Does Skin Tone Affect Aging

Does Skin Tone Affect Aging

Here are Some Disadvantages on how Different Skin Tones Age
  • Dark and medium toned skin has a denser population of pigment melanin, which produces uneven discoloration from sun exposure.  Whereas, light toned skin is prone to sunburn.
  • Lighter skin has more of a tendency to wrinkle from environmental exposer, dark and medium toned skin after trauma is more prone to dark marks and it can take awhile to fade.
  • Dark and medium toned skin is more prone to scars and light toned skin is susceptible to facial redness and broken capillaries usually from rosacea.
Skin ages in two ways:  Intrinsically & Extrinsically ~
  • Intrinsic is the biological aging that includes factors like ethnicity, genetics, and health.  This accounts for 20% of the visible aging process and under your control.  So healthy skin has more to do with what you do with it than your genetics.
  • Extrinsic aging accounts to 80% of your appearance and is also under your control. This includes factors like diet, alcohol intake, smoking, and sun exposure.

The good news is you can reverse many common signs of aging and take control of the destiny of your skin.  By choosing the right products, having the right attitude, and taking charge of a lifestyle changes.

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Educate yourself ~ check out this website:


Nerium ~ will dramatically reverse the signs of aging!


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